La vida es un espejo, Mahatma Gandhi

La vida es un espejo, Mahatma Gandhi
Le preguntaron a Mahatma Gandhi cuales eran los factores que destruyen al ser humano. Tranquilo y sereno respondió así:
La Política sin principios, el Placer sin compromiso, la Riqueza sin trabajo, la Sabiduría sin carácter, los Negocios sin moral, la Ciencia sin humanidad y la Oración sin caridad.
La vida me ha enseñado que la gente es amable, si yo soy amable; que las personas están tristes, si estoy triste; que todos me quieren, si yo los quiero; que todos son malos, si yo los odio; que hay caras sonrientes, si les sonrío; que hay caras amargas, si estoy amargado; que el mundo está feliz, si yo soy feliz; que la gente es enojona, si yo soy enojón; que las personas son agradecidas, si yo soy agradecido.
La vida es como un espejo: Si sonrío, el espejo me devuelve la sonrisa. La actitud que tome frente a la vida, es la misma que la vida tomará ante mí.
“El que quiera ser amado, que ame”.

Friday, 25 February 2011

This is really nice!!!!

Star Size Comparison HD AudioV2 

This is an upload of my star size comparison video for the countries in which the original one has been blocked, due to copyrigt issues of the audio track.
I was notified that the movie soundracks I used are copyrigt protected, but they left everything like it is, and instead blocked the whole video in some countries around the globe.
Unfortunately I live in one of them. So, while some people can still enjoy the original, this one is for the rest of the world. I know the original audio was better, but there is nothing I can do about it.
And yes, Uranus, the funniest planet of the Universe, is still missing. I left it out, because it has about the same size as Neptune and the surface looks boring. Later I realized that it is the only one missing,
since Pluto lost its plantet-status. I dont want to change the video, sorry about that. And if I did, I am sure some people will complain: "It is rotating in the wrong direction, and the axis should be tilt!"
But I promise he will appear in future projects.
And to all people finding the name of Uranus hilarious, please search for the clip from Jackass visiting the town Mianus in Conneticut, you will like it.
So we are back on air, enjoy the video again if you missed it.

Fuente: morn1415

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