La vida es un espejo, Mahatma Gandhi

La vida es un espejo, Mahatma Gandhi
Le preguntaron a Mahatma Gandhi cuales eran los factores que destruyen al ser humano. Tranquilo y sereno respondió así:
La Política sin principios, el Placer sin compromiso, la Riqueza sin trabajo, la Sabiduría sin carácter, los Negocios sin moral, la Ciencia sin humanidad y la Oración sin caridad.
La vida me ha enseñado que la gente es amable, si yo soy amable; que las personas están tristes, si estoy triste; que todos me quieren, si yo los quiero; que todos son malos, si yo los odio; que hay caras sonrientes, si les sonrío; que hay caras amargas, si estoy amargado; que el mundo está feliz, si yo soy feliz; que la gente es enojona, si yo soy enojón; que las personas son agradecidas, si yo soy agradecido.
La vida es como un espejo: Si sonrío, el espejo me devuelve la sonrisa. La actitud que tome frente a la vida, es la misma que la vida tomará ante mí.
“El que quiera ser amado, que ame”.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Phil Collins - Wake Up Call (Official Music Video)


© 2010 WMG

Phil Collins - Wake Up Call [Official Music Video], released 2003.

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This is your wake up call... young hearts be free

Get up, get on, get out about and shout it
Tell 'em all you're dressed and on your way
Oh there's absolutely no doubt about it
This is your wake up call
You're gonna miss it all

Am I the only one out there that's listening
Cos it's such a lovely noise that I can hear
Eyes are opening up to all around them
This is their wake up call
They're gonna miss it all

Can you feel what's happening here
Everything is changing all around you
It's in the air, electricity
Everybody, yes everybody's waking up
Good morning to you

You're not the only one out there who's running
But the man who's sitting next to you's asleep
So pick him up and shake him till he hears you
This is his wake up call
He's gonna miss it all

Can you feel what's happening here
Everything is changing all around you
It's in the air, electricity
Everybody, yes everybody's waking up
Good morning to you

Those who've done all they can do sleep easy
Those that turn away, they sleep alone
But there's no doubt about it absolutely
This is a wake up call
We 're gonna miss it all

This is your wake up call
This is your wake up call
This is your wake up call
You're gonna miss it
You're gonna miss it all

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